Main track

The course is best known for its unique layout, featuring great elevation changes, big downhills and a 40-rider concrete starting gate. The viewing area is hands down one of the best in North America.

Cut track

The cut track intersects the main track and is suited for those who are just getting started with motocross. It is contained to the bottom section of the track avoiding the high elevation areas.

Beginner track

The beginner track is located off the main track and is designed for 50cc, 65cc and Stacyc riders. This is a fun course for kids who want to get the full track riding experience.


Track rules

Please read all rules before arriving to the Blackwater MX Park

  • Memberships must be purchased before riding the track. Waivers are included with the purchase of your membership.

  • A key or code will be given to all membership holders. Neither are to be copied or shared with a non-member. Failure to comply will result in immediate suspension or revocation of your membership.

  • All spectators and/or riders on the property thereby assume all risks and injuries or damages resulting therefrom.

  • There is absolutely no speeding through the parking and pit areas. You will get one warning before you are no longer permitted to ride.

  • Adequate protective gear is required. It is mandatory to wear a proper full-face helmet, riding boots, goggles, long sleeves, pants and gloves.

  • Additional recommended protective gear includes: chest protector, neck brace, mouth guard, knee and elbow guards.

  • Helmets are required at all times. This includes riding through the parking and pit areas.

  • The beginner track is only designed for 50cc, 65cc, Stacyc bikes and pedal bikes. No other machines are permitted to use this track.

  • Enter and exit the track only at the designated entrance points. Do not alter the course unless the track has been blocked off for safety reasons.

  • The use of alcohol and drugs are not permitted while riding at the Blackwater MX Park. This is a major safety risk, therefore anyone found breaking this rule will be removed from the track or asked to leave.

  • Riders are obliged to know their surroundings. Site laps are highly recommended.

  • Clean up after yourself, there are several waste bins around the facility. If you do not see one, take out what you brought in. We are not a dumping ground.

  • We strongly encourage buddy riding. Please do not ride alone.

  • Camping is not permitted unless for race weekends or other scheduled events.

  • Campfires are allowed provided there are no fire bans in place. Fires must be contained, and put out before you leave the facility.

  • If you are unclear on any of our rules, please contact one of our Board of Directors.

    The Board of Directors are responsible for the overall safety of our facility.

    Please be respectful.