Name: Cole Kranrod

Birthday: December 28, 2007

Hometown: Prince George, BC

Number: 51

Bike: YZ125

Race club: Prince George Motocross Association

Classes: School Boy & Open Junior

Who/what inspired you to get into motocross, and how long have you been racing/riding?
I always had a dirt bike from being very little, my first race was around 10 years old. I started racing BMX at 6 years old in Prince George, and worked on convincing my parents to let me race dirt bikes.

What’s the hardest thing about motocross? Probably just the mental side of racing having to overcome injuries and come back.

Why do you race motocross, and what drives you to continue pursuing it? I like racing because it is super fun there’s nothing that has the same feel.

When not riding your dirt bike, how do you keep yourself busy? I like to work on my bikes in the garage, keep up our pit bike track for riding, and in the winter ski and snowboard.

Who is your all time favorite rider, and why? I like to watch Justin Barcia because of his aggressive riding style and personality he carries.

What would your dream race be? Which track?
One day I would like to make it to race Red Bud such an iconic track in the MX community with some sweet looking dirt.

What do you do to prepare yourself for a race? Any pre-race rituals? I always try to get a little warmed up, stay hydrated and have a good stretch.

We heard you just came back from ClubMX. What is your biggest take away being there? Going to club was an awesome opportunity to learn lots about proper technique on the bike while training with riders like Garrett Marchbanks.

Do you have any words for others reading this, or any advice for the younger riders/racers? Don’t be afraid to start out in this sport there are so many people who want to help. I know that definitely got me into it.